Year 2 Summer Term

In Year 2 the children are leaders of their own learning and thrive on exciting experiences that will develop them as independent individuals.

They are experts who build knowledge and understanding with a drive for excellence. They have pride and ambition and are role models within the school community.

This term the children will develop their skills as authors as they write their own animal stories. They will explore a variety of animal poems and fictional texts to inspire their ideas. They will bring their concepts to life by performing and sharing their work.

We are excited to become clothing designers and dressmakers in our Design Technology learning. The children will be asked to bring in a bear for them to design and make clothing for. They will select from a variety of fabrics and will use different joining and fastening techniques to execute their design.

In science we will be learning about animals and their habitats. We are excited to be welcoming our own class pets to help us to learn about lifecycles. We will observe them whilst they develop and grow until we eventually set them free. They will explore their environment to discover where different animals live and we will find out why they have chosen to live there.

The art this term is all about painting landscapes. The children will observe their local area and will explore how to recreate the landscapes around them. They will use a variety of painting techniques inspired by artists such as Georges Seurat and Vincent Van Gogh.

Knowledge organisers: