Year 3

Welcome to our Year 3 class page. Year 3 is such an exciting year at All Saints; it is very busy with lots of interesting learning and brilliant opportunities! It is your first year in Key Stage 2, giving you the opportunity to develop your skills and learn new ones.

In Year 3, we all work together as part of a team, to achieve our very best and we take pride in our learning. During the year, you will continue to develop your independence and grow as individuals. You will be surrounded by a culture of mutual respect, we encourage kindness, tolerance and care for others. We work within a positive environment where taking risks is encouraged and making mistakes are proof that you are trying and is used to help us improve and develop our understanding.

In Year 3, we understand the importance of asking questions! We learn about how to ask and answer different types of questions so that we can find out new things. By asking questions, we learn collaboratively, through exploring and investigating to find answers together. Through irresistible learning opportunities, you will develop the confidence to work as experts across the curriculum.

We have a wonderful, caring staff team to support, inspire and motivate you to grow and become a life-long learner. We are always here with a smile and helping hand, to encourage you to reach your full potential. We will support you to be the best version of yourself that you can be.

In Year 3 this year, the following members of staff will help you:

Mrs Tozer – Class Teacher

Mr Johnson – Class Teacher

Mrs Holt  – Learning Support Assistant

We are excited to take you on your learning journey.

Click below to find out about what we will be learning about during the:

Autumn Term

Spring Term


Our curriculum plan

We have an exciting curriculum. Please have a look at our curriculum overview below which shows the curriculum content and the topics for this academic year.

Click here for a copy of our long term plan.

Science knowledge organiser

Reading at home

All pupils have a reading folder, containing a reading book and a reading record.

If possible, we would like all children to read at home, at least 3 times per week.

Reading Records

These should be used by parents and pupils to capture the individual child’s reading journey. When you hear your child read, please record this in the reading record.

For more information on how to support reading at home, please click here:

‘7 Top Tips to Support Reading at Home’.

Click here to see the top 100 reads for Year 3.


In Year 3, we encourage all children to take part in the homework set. All children will receive an Attitude and Achievement stamp for completing all homework on a fortnightly basis. This will be recorded in their Role Model and Citizenship record.

Year 3 children will be expected to complete the following each week:

  • Read 3 times a week, using reading their records to evidence this.
  • Complete weekly activities set on Sumdog linked to our Maths learning.
  • Practise the spelling and reading of the statutory Y3 words. You will receive a copy of your child’s spelling assessment, which will be updated every half-term.
  • In addition to this, it is beneficial to consolidate previous year’s spellings so that these are embedded.

This is the core homework expectations for Year 3. Additionally, personalised homework may be sent out on occasion.

Times table Rockstars is a fun App to support multiplication and division.

Sumdog Useful activities for additional homework

If there are any difficulties with accessing the online homework please let the class teacher know.

Useful activities for additional homework ideas

Our P.E days are Tuesday and Friday, please ensure that PE kits your child has their PE kit in school. Please bring PE kits into school each Monday so we are prepared for the sessions ahead.

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you would like to make an appointment, please contact the school office.