Communication with Parents and Carers

To ensure that communication runs smoothly, all messages go through the academy office. If parents wish to get in touch with us about anything, they should send an email to [email protected] or by letter if a message is strictly confidential. All messages will be acknowledged and passed to the relevant staff. Please ensure that you include enough information to ensure that it is received by the most appropriate person and to enable us to appropriately prioritise urgent issues. We are proud that most messages are responded to within a day or two, but this is not always possible. We guarantee that all messages will be fully responded to by an appropriate member of staff within two working weeks at the most.

The office is open daily between 8.15am and 4.00pm for phone calls, but a message can be left on the answering machine outside of these times.

Other sources of communication and information

The academy has an extensive website for general information which can be accessed at We also regularly post information about what is going on at our academy on our Facebook page. We would encourage you to follow us @allsaintslead, but the content can also be viewed via the academy website for people that do not use social media.

In addition we use SeeSaw and Tapestry, but please do not message staff on these sites as they are not manned for communication purposes. Teachers in reception and Key Stage 1, use these platforms to support communication with parents, but these sites are exclusively limited to information that is directly linked to lesson content and learning activity. All other communication must go through the office please.

Messages from the academy

Our academy operates paperless communication with parents using ‘Teachers to Parents’, a service that enables us to send emails, text messages and updates to parents and carers. We work hard to make sure that this is a positive experience for you and assures a high quality communication experience between home and school.

Contact Information

It is important that you ensure that your email and mobile phone information are kept up-to-date, so that the information from our academy reaches you. When your child leaves our academy, your email and phone number is removed from our system and texts and emails will stop automatically.

What to do if there is a concern

We always try to ensure that the academy runs smoothly and that the pupils are happy and receive an excellent education. We recognise however that there may be occasions where a parent does not feel happy about something and needs to bring if to our attention. Anyone wishing to communicate with the academy or raise a concern should always use the official lines of communications as outlined above and in line with the Complaints policy and Parent and Carer Code of Conduct, which can be found on our Website under Policies. We request that parents do not use social media for this purpose and reserve the right to take legal action where appropriate.

We hope that you find these systems helpful and continue to endeavour to provide communication that is high quality and meets your needs.