This term many exciting learning experiences await you, as we develop our skills and work as experts in a range of subjects.

 As scientists, you will learn about types of nutrition and identify the diets of different animals including birds. You will learn how nutrients, water and oxygen are transported within animals, be able to explain the importance of skeletons and make comparisons between animals and humans. You will also learn about muscle and joints. 

As artists, you will explore the use of shape and colour through abstract artwork linked to different artists such as Kandinsky, creating a piece of abstract art in the style of the artist. 

As historians, you will explore who the Romans were and use dates to know where they fit along the timeline. We will find out about significant historical figures, such as Caesar, Claudius and Boudicca. Using key vocabulary and our understanding, we will explore the impact that they had, alongside how they influenced our lives today through their legacy. 

Within Design and Technology, through a variety of creative and practical activities, we will be looking at levers and linkages. We will develop our knowledge in the process of designing and making, as well as evaluating different mechanisms to enable us to create our product with moving parts. 

PSHE is an important strand that runs throughout all of our curriculum. This term our focus is upon how to keep ourselves healthy, thinking about the importance of mental and physical health, keeping our brain and bodies healthy, exercise and sleep.  

Within PE, we will be working with DanceNK linked to our history theme, alongside key skills and daily active blasts. We will also be developing our football and gymnastics skills. 

We will be inspired by Spartucus, a Thracian gladiator, to develop our teamwork and perseverance skills, alongside our LEAD values through Commando Joe challenges! 

Our over-arching theme this term is the Romans. 

  • Writing– We cover a range of writing opportunities to write to entertain, persuade, and inform which link to our class texts. In poetry, we are writing diamante poems. 
  • Maths- Our topics this term are Place Value, Addition and Subtraction as well as Multiplication and Division. 
  • Trips/Visitors – This term with have an RE visitor ‘Sunita’ linked to Hinduism.  We also visit The Collection and Roman Lincoln.