Year 4- Spring Term

This term in Year 4 we will have an exciting time exploring and learning. We take on many roles. We will be Scientists investigating animals and their habitats and learning how sound travels. In Geography, we will be exploring mountains and the water cycle. As artists, we will use charcoal to develop our observational skills- so prepare to get messy.

As musicians, we will have a wonderful opportunity to appreciate different genres of music and sing as part of our performance to our families. As historians, we will travel through time to explore the daily life of the Ancient Greeks. As archaeologist we will develop our historical skills and look how artefacts teach us about our past. In Design and Technology, we will be inspired by celebrity bakers to create our own savoury scones. Watch out for The Great Year 4 Bake Off!

Within our maths learning, we like to tackle challenges and solve problems – we love presenting our learning in different ways and always remember to SLAM (Speak Like A Mathematician). We will continue to learn our times tables daily to prepare for the end of year multiplication check.

In English, we just LOVE to read and we enjoy working in response to an exciting book. Reading is at the heart of our learning and we cannot wait to take you on an adventure into new worlds and develop our love of reading… This term we will be reading, ‘The firework Maker’s Daughter’ and ‘Cool’. If you have a sense of adventure and want to be inspired to follow your dreams then these books will be a joy to read.

Brace yourselves for a term filled with curiosity, discovery, and creativity. We will also be delighting our families with our Production. Let’s embark on this incredible learning journey together!

We will be inspired by a real life explorer Kira Salak to develop our team work, our LEAD values through Commando Joe challenges!