They explore with more independence and find their individual successes. They will solve problems, delve deeper and tackle higher order thinking skills. Literacy this term is based around stories about Journeys with a focus on the book Journey by Aaron Becker. The children will develop their skills as story tellers as they create their own adventure based upon:
In history the children will be learning about flight and how that has changed since the first flight by the Wright brothers. They will be able to closely observe real planes and look at how they have changed through time when we visit Newark Air Museum.
As scientists the children will explore everyday materials. They will look at how materials can be used as well as the suitability of these materials. They will then use what they have learnt to create their own kite which they will fly.
The term the children will get two opportunities to be designers as part of their Design Technology learning. This half term, the children will explore how mechanisms work when using a wheel and axle. They will explore how the wheel and axle mechanism works together to lift loads and will apply this to their own designs to make a moving fairy tale picture. In the second half of the term the children will have the opportunity to explore the flavours of fruit as they design and make their own fruit salad. They will look at how to make food appealing by considering the colours and shapes of their chosen fruits as well as learning key cutting and slicing skills.
As artists the children will explore the use of different materials to create a weaving journey work of art. They will examine and explore the work of artists considering what inspired their colour and texture.
We love to read and together we will be reading a variety of exciting and irresistible books. This term our main texts are;