Year 1 -Spring Term

Our theme this term is London. Our learning will begin as we travel back in time to discover what life was like during the Great Fire of London. We will learn about some of the key events and people through photographs and artefacts as we become expert historians.

In Literacy, the children will use their history knowledge, and the story Vlad and the Great Fire of London, to inspire them to write their own stories and diaries. They will use the role play and small world areas to immerse themselves within this.

We will be using a range of practical resources, real life problems and reasoning questions in Maths to gain a deeper understanding of place value and addition and subtraction.

In Science we will be learning all about materials. The children will learn about their properties, which will help them to sort and classify a range of different materials. This new knowledge will help them to carry out a simple test to find the best material to keep a teddy dry.


In DT we will be designing and making our own moving pictures. Through email communication with the children at the Ark Nursery we will design our projects based on their interests. At the end of the topic we will become the experts as we teach the younger children how to make their own moving pictures.

In January we are lucky enough to be visited by Partake History, a theatrical workshop that will allow the children to be ‘fully involved in an exciting and stimulating drama workshop by dressing in costume and telling the story through narration, mime, change, music and dance’.

This term, we will be reading: Vlad and the Great Fire of London by Kate Cunningham, Katie in London by James Mayhew and The Odd Egg by Emily Gravett.