Service Pupil Premium

The Service Pupil Premium (SPP) is provided by the Department for Education (DfE) to enable schools to offer additional, mainly pastoral support during challenging times.

Click here to read our Service Premium Evaluation 2018-2019

Click here to download our ‘Deployment of a Parent’ form

Our Aim:

At All Saints Academy we believe that all children should have the opportunity to thrive both emotionally and academically. This year, the Governors (in consultation with parents and discussions with senior officers at RAF Waddington) have aimed this funding in the following ways:

Spending 2019-2020

Estimated income for 2019-2020: £74,000

Learning support assistants to ensure good progress and provision for all pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium for Service Premium.£24,500
Play leader/ Pastoral Support to provide emotional support for those affected by aspects of Service life£15,500
Communication system to ensure that Service families are able to keep up to date with school life and pupil learning e.g. seesaw£2,000
Resources to support and enhance provision- for example: forest school, catch up programmes, etc.£5,500
Visits and Experiences£13,000
Additional lunch time supervisor, to support emotional well-being£2,000
A additional member of staff who will be ‘family facing’- they will have responsibilities such as: overseeing deployment support, settling in support ‘Out of Area’ groups, transition support etc. £12,500

A military child’s journey at All Saints

A warm welcome

As a school which serves a high proportion of service families we understand the anxieties mobility can have on all involved. Our aim is to ensure that new pupils are warmly welcomed and settle quickly.

As soon as the school has notice that a child is coming we will send through a ‘Welcome Pack’. Within the welcome pack is a letter (containing QR codes for a virtual tour of the school), a letter from the School Council and a letter from our Learning Mentor(s). This provides the children with reassurance that they will be supported from the moment they step through the door.

On arrival at Waddington All Saints Academy every child will be allocated a ‘Buddy’ who will help them to find their feet in their new environment, ensuring that they know where to go and what to do. One of the Learning Mentors will visit each child in their first few days of being in school, to ensure that they are settling well and know where to go if they have any questions.

Academic Support

Our aim is to ensure that all children reach their full potential during the time that the spend with us. Therefore, we direct part of our Service Pupil Premium allocation to employ Learning Support Assistants and purchase resources that will support progress. This enables us to support children who may have gaps in their learning due to frequent school moves or who may need additional support or challenge.  Class teachers assess children once they arrive and identify the support required to enable them to make good progress. 

If you wish to find out more about the provision put in place for your child, please do not hesitate in contacting your child’s class teacher.

Emotional Support

At All Saints Academy we can have a number of parents deployed at any one time. We recognise our role in helping to reduce any negative impact upon learning during this time, offering an appropriate level support to pupils that need it. Past experience has shown us that when children experience any form of loss, school is often the one part of a child’s life where they can carry on as normal. Its normality can be the very thing that gives the child the structure and reassurance that enables them to cope.

Once a family are aware that a parent is going to be deployed we ask that they complete a ‘Deployment Form’ in the school office, this allows a parent to identify the level of need they believe that their child has. Once this form has been received in school it will be passed on to the Class Teacher and the Pastoral Support Assistant.

Where a parent has completed a ‘Deployment Form’ in the school office

Pastoral Support Assistant:

  1. Will carry out ‘Risk Assessment’ with the child, ensuring that they are supported appropriately.
  2. Where further need is identified they will liaise with the class teacher/ team leader about the appropriate level of support required
  3. If the deployment is for an extended period of time, they will drop in and check that they are okay at the half way point. As appropriate, feedback will be communicated with parents.

The Class Teacher:

  • Will keep a watching brief over the child, ensuring that they are supported appropriately.
  • Liaise with parents regularly during the period of deployment, to reassure them that the child is doing well in school or discuss the support in place.
  • Liaise with the Learning Mentor/Learning Support Assistants about support required.
  • Notify Team Leaders by Friday morning of any child causing concern, who may require additional support the following week.

Support might include:

1:1/ Small group work- This will be put into place when a high level of need is identified. We have trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs) who are able to plan and deliver bespoke pieces of worked linked to supporting pupils in managing their emotions.

Deployment groups- This gives children the opportunity to work with others who have a parent deployed, so that they can share experiences and support each other. Activities might include: writing emails, making videos to deployed parents, making scrap books/ diaries to share with parents upon their return, learning about the places which parents are deployed to.

Homework Clubs- In response to parental requests we have a homework club that runs during lunch times each week, this means that any child who is struggling to complete homework at home or requires additional help can drop in to these sessions with a learning mentor.

Leaving Us

We believe supporting a child who is leaving is as important as supporting a child who has just joined. We ensure that all relevant records are transferred to the new school and teachers will often make contact with the new school/teacher, to talk about your child and how they learn best.

If a child is particularly anxious about moving to a new school additional support can be put into place with a Pastoral Support Assistant, they might discuss concerns and even research the new school, so the child knows what to expect and feels prepared.

Below you will find the link to the Service Children’s Education dedicated website for mobility.  Here you will be able to find useful information including a link to the SCE mobility toolkit and to the Moving Schools Pack.  In addition, you can watch videos of SCE children sharing their personal experiences of preparing to leave or arrive at their school, and find out what helps them to settle into their new surroundings.

Do I need to register my child with CEAS? 

CEAS is the Children’s Education Advisory Service and their mission statement is: 

‘To support operational effectiveness in the armed forces by enabling Service (and eligible MOD civilian) families to secure appropriate educational provision for their children in the UK and overseas.’

If your child has special or additional needs then, in line with JSP 820, you must register with the Children’s Education Advisory Service (CEAS) and notify them of any proposed overseas assignment.