Remote Learning

At Waddington All Saints, we have been developing and refining our approach to remote learning since last March to ensure that our offer is fit for purpose and easily accessible for our children and families.

In Foundation Stage we use Tapestry and from Year 1 to Year 6 we use Seesaw as our on-line learning platforms.

Links to login to these sites can be found here:

Details of our ‘Remote Learning Provision’ can be found here.

On-line Safety

On-line Safety has never been so important, with many pupils spending more time online than they have done previously. The National Online Safety Organisation have created a helpful poster which includes the ‘Top Ten Tips for parents during remote education’. The poster can be found here.

Also, other resources including games and activities to support E-safety learning can be found on this website under Pupils, E-safety.

Further Support

Further advice to support Learning from Home can be found here:

LEAD LFH As a school, we recognise and understand the pressures that families may be experiencing at the moment, including juggling remote school learning, often for multiple siblings whilst simultaneously working from home. We want to ensure that our families feel supported to be successful, so if you feel that we can help further, please do make contact with your child’s class teacher.