Our School

What OFSTED (2014) says about us:
“Extremely knowledgeable teaching, perceptive questioning and high expectations all contribute to pupils’ outstanding achievement.”

“Pupils are very well equipped with excellent basic skills and a have a keen awareness of spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues. Consequently, they are superbly prepared for the next stage of their education and for their future lives in modern Britain.”

“The curriculum provides an enormously rich range of experiences and it is continually being improved to make learning even more, as the school puts it, ‘irresistible’ for All Saints pupils.”

We have 14 classes in school; two Foundation stage, four key stage one, four each in lower and upper Key Stage Two.

We are a very well-resourced school and lucky enough to have a studio with the latest green screen technology, a large hall with resources for drama, music and sport. In addition to this we have a computer suite, library and Languages room. Outside we have a large field and two playgrounds. There is a KS1 and KS2 adventure trail, Foundation Stage play area, a forest school area, an outdoor classroom, a stage and amphitheatre and an established environmental area.

Class teachers are responsible for the children’s wellbeing and safety and the delivery of the curriculum. Teachers, working in year group pairs work closely together to ensure that the curriculum is relevant, exciting and engaging, and well matched to meet the needs of all children. They are supported well by our Learning Support Assistants. Our curriculum overviews can be found on the school website.

Collective Worship

Daily acts of collective worship take place either at a whole school level or within year groups. Worship includes opportunities such as prayers, songs, stories, drama and time to reflect. It is hoped that the inclusive policy allows all children and staff to take part within the framework of their and their families beliefs without losing integrity, but any parent has the right to withdraw their child after discussion with the Headteacher.


At All Saints Academy, we recognise the vital role that parents provide in supporting their child’s academic progress. As a result, children are encouraged to bring home reading books, learn spellings, tables and carry out investigative tasks. It is advised that all children spend about 20 minutes a night doing these on-going home-study tasks. If you need any guidance on how to support your child’s learning at home please ask your child’s class teacher, who will be able to provide you with further information.

During the latter part of their KS2 career there is an expectation that children will put in more time in home study to prepare them for transfer to secondary school and aid their primary school learning. Homework expectations for each year group will be set out at the start of a new academic year.


At All Saints Academy we have worked hard to ensure that our adults and children have a level of expertise that allows them to quickly identify the skills and concepts that need to be developed in order to be successful. The information we collate from this ongoing assessment allows us to identify where children sit in terms of their age related expectation. Progress is reported through termly parent consultations and an end of year written report. At the end of Year 2 and Year 6 when national Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) are taken, results are reported formally.

The School Day

Times of school session:

key Stage 1:
Morning: 8.50am to 12.20pm
Afternoon: 1.20pm to 3.20pm
Key Stage 2:
Morning: 8.50am to 12.20pm
Afternoon: 1.20pm to 3.20pm

Teachers are in classrooms to receive pupils from 8.45 am. For safety reasons we ask that pupils do not arrive at school before this time. We encourage children to say goodbye to their parents in the playground and to come into school independently as they would after a break time.

Lunchtime & Snacks

Pupils can choose between bringing a packed lunch or order hot meals. The meals must be ordered by the Wednesday prior to the week in which they have the meal. The school has application forms for claims for free lunches if required. A packed lunch should be brought in a named container and any non-fizzy drink in a sealed container. No glass allowed. We are a healthy school and as such expect all children to eat healthily when in school. We discourage crisps and high sugar snack bars. Children are asked not to eat these during break time. A mid-morning snack of fruit or another ‘healthy’ food is permitted. Children in KS1 receive a free piece of fruit every day. All children have access to drinking water and are encouraged to bring a named, clear, plastic water bottle to drink during the day.