Year 5 – Spring Term

This term our topic is The Ancient Maya. We will become historians by using evidence from the past to discover how the people of the ancient Maya lived and developed a civilisation. We will also be linking this to our geography learning in which we will be looking at the continents of  North and South America. 

In our Science lessons we will be learning about Materials. During these sessions we will be investigating different materials and identifying the most appropriate materials for different purposes.

In languages we will be learning vocabulary for family members and dates in French.  

We have an exciting project in Design and Technology this term as we will be using our sewing skills to create our own bags based on designs we create using computer software.  

This term PSHE lessons will be focused on managing money. We will be discussing the effect money can have on our mental health as well as developing our life skills through learning about how money is used, earned and saved.  

RE lessons will focus on Judaism. We will learn about beliefs and celebrations relating to this religion.

PE lessons will focus on inclusive games including seated volleyball and new age curling.

Maths this term will start with fractions where we will find out more about numbers less than one and how we can use this for different calculations and in real life situations.

We have a wide range of writing opportunities this year starting with a narrative based on the short film ‘Dangle’. We will watch the beginning of the film and write our own endings for the story.

This term we will be reading : Malala by Malala Yousafzai and Holes by Louis Sachar.