Year 3 Summer Term

This term many exciting learning experiences await you!

As geographers, you will learn all about the Extreme Earth, including Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Tsunamis. You will explore what causes these disasters, where they happen and the impact that they have upon human life.

As scientists, you will learn about Rocks and Soils and Magnets.In our Rocks topic, you will learn to identify and classify different types of rocks, investigate soil types and explore fossils. Within our Magnets learning, you will learn about magnetic forces; explore how magnets attract and repel different materials, and investigate magnet strength.

As artists, you will be learning how to use different grades of pencil to shade, to show different tones and textures to help develop your observational drawing skills. You will learn about the artist Cezanne and combine the drawing skills learnt to produce an effective still life drawing.

Within Design and Technology, you will be evaluating, designing and making pencil cases. You will investigate different products and practise different joining techniques which you will use to make an end product that meets your design criteria, identifying its strengths and weaknesses.

As musicians, you will be learning how to play the recorder, alongside developing your listening and singing skills.

Within PE, we will be developing our skills in Athletics, Orienteering, Cricket and Golf, alongside key skills and daily active blasts.

Within I.C.T we will creating digital content and learning how to use google sheets to show information and data.  Our E-safety units are Self-image and identity, online relationships and online reputation.

PSHE is an important strand that runs throughout all of our curriculum. This term our focus is upon the rules that keep us safe and growing and changing. We will be inspired by Emelia Earheart, to our team work and perseverance skills, alongside our LEAD values through Commando Joe challenges!

Our over-arching theme this term is Extreme Earth.

  • Writing- We cover a range of writing opportunities to write to entertain, persuade, and inform which link to our class texts. In poetry, we are writing Loopy Limericks.
  • Maths- Our topics this term are Fractions, Mass, Money, Time, Shape and Statistics.

We love to read and together we will be reading a variety of exciting and irresistible books.  This term, our main class texts will be: Charlie Changes into a Chicken by Sam Copeland and The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.

Knowledge organisers:

Geography – Extreme Earth


Forces and magnets

Rocks and soils