Year 3 Spring Term

This term many exciting learning experiences await you!

As historians, you will explore who the Egyptians were and where they fit along the timeline. We will find out about famous Egyptians and the impact that they had, alongside how they influenced our lives today through their legacy. You will learn about the importance of the River Nile, the significance of the Pyramid system, Famous Pharoahs and the religious belief system.

As scientists, you will learn about Light and Plants. In our Light topic, you will learn how we see things and why, how light is reflected and how shadows are formed. Within our Plants learning, you will compare the effect of different factors on plant growth, identify the function of parts of plants, fruits and seed dispersal.

As artists, you will explore different printing techniques and create a collagraph print based upon shapes and patterns that can be found in the natural environment. You will learn about the artist William Morris.

Within Design and Technology we will be looking at Structures alongside Cooking and nutrition. You will design, make and evaluate different structures to create a shell structure for your design criteria. You will also, learn how to cut, peel, grate and spread carefully, using these skills to create a healthy Sandwich, Toastie or Pitta Pocket.

As musicians, you will be learning how to play the handchimes alongside developing your listening and singing skills.

Within PE, we will working with DanceNK linked to our history theme, alongside key skills and daily active blasts. We will also be developing our skills in Yoga, Tennis and Netball.

Within I.C.T we will developing our programming skills by sequencing sounds and learning how to use branching databases.

PSHE is an important strand that runs throughout all of our curriculum. This term our focus is upon what makes a community, and how we can contribute positively to society alongside how to describe our feelings. We will be inspired by Levison Wood, an explorer, to develop our team work and perseverance skills, alongside our LEAD values through Commando Joe challenges!

Our over-arching theme this term is the Egyptians.

  • Writing- We cover a range of writing opportunities to write to entertain, persuade, and inform which link to our class texts. In poetry, we are writing diamante poems.
  • Maths- Our topics this term are Multiplication and Division, Length and Perimeter, Fractions as well as Mass and Capacity.

We love to read and together we will be reading a variety of exciting and irresistible books.  This term, our main class texts will be: The Ancient Egypt Sleepover by Stephen Davies and How to Train your Dragon by Cressida Cowell.